Here's a layout of my uncle, G who for the first time in his life is allowed to have his hair long... well, longER than usual is more like it.
As he is very into music, I though an Autumn Leaves pp with music notes and a grunge looking layout is most appropriate. I recently took a class with Ellen Heaney in distressing techniques and applied it here. Sanded the wordings REBEL and SYSTEM to distress it more.

As he is very into music, I though an Autumn Leaves pp with music notes and a grunge looking layout is most appropriate. I recently took a class with Ellen Heaney in distressing techniques and applied it here. Sanded the wordings REBEL and SYSTEM to distress it more.
Lloks like a watercoloured background. Great job with the distressed inks...
Yes, your uncle def looks very cool there and wht you have done definitely is defining him....
Thanks, Mich. He is very happy with the LO and I'm glad...
Wow Yati, I must say, ur layouts never fail to impress me and looks like u have been busy!
Thanks, Panda. Yup, I tried o do as any LOs in a few days before I' kept busy with other things...
wat can i say, another beautiful LO yatie! love all ur latest LOs... wuhooo
Thanks, Nad. You're sooo sweet!!
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