I've done nothing these past three days but arranging and rearranging my scrap space. It all started because hubby wanted to trade my single narrow shelves with his lower wider one. But because the one I got was broader there wasn't much space to squeeze in the original position. So I decided to turn my scrap table to the side and It is now facing the window, rather than being perpendicular to it as it was before. Here are some before and after pictues:

As you can see, Nadiah has already marked her place right in the middle of my space with her cat and watercolour :D
The one thing I have to worry about is to not leave any unfinished work on the table because if it rains, and I forget to close the window... then there would be disaster!


wuhooo nice scrap space... gosh u are so organised... my scrap room in a big mess now LOL, time to re-organise ahahaha
Wow Bestnya!!!!! Love those canvases on the wall and chelf!!! Love everything Yatie!!!
Woohoo - what a neat room Yatie. Me loving your new scrap area. That reminds me - its time for me to reorg and try to make less mess...
thank you, ladies. It's neat because it's just been cleaned up. You should have seen it a few days before.. hahaaa
OMG its soo neat! I need to pick up some tips from u!!
love it your new 'sanctuary'!!
hi nak tanya u masih nak let go buku Mills & Boon dan yg sewaktu dengannya???
email me sue_liah@yahoo.com, i bminat nak beli kalau u sudi bg list buku & harga..tq
Thanks, Panda n Wati.
Hi Sue, yes I nak let go. Nnt I email you with the list and prices ok.
Wonderful Space you got Yatie!! Its huge!
Nie Yatie, jam ataih meja tu pun hang buat ka .... cantik !
Thanks, Vivs. It's just a corner of the living room. But I'm glad I got that big table to work on, so that's a definite plus!!
CA, yup I altered that one too. Asainya fre gift dari mana ntah. Tak lawa pun.. so bagi la lawa skit... :D
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